Parent Support Group

At Chicago Commons, we recognize the unique challenges that our multi-generational families face navigating the journey of parenthood. The Family Hub Parent Support Group provides a sanctuary for our families to come together to cultivate positive relationships, share stories, and collectively manage the daily stresses of raising children.

Studies show that when parents are engaged in support groups, they report a significant reduction in stress levels, with 85% expressing improved emotional well-being and resilience. Today, we’re excited to share three important ways our Parent Support Groups are making a difference for our Chicago Commons families.

Cultivating Positive Relationships: Within the supportive setting of our Parent Support Groups, parents find a unique space to exchange insights, advice, and encouragement. These positive connections diminish the isolation that parenting can bring by creating a network of individuals who genuinely empathize with the challenges faced by each member.

Sharing Stories: By sharing stories that range from sleepless nights to the first day of school jitters, these shared narratives foster a sense of camaraderie, emphasizing that no one is alone in their struggles. It’s a space where the highs and lows of parenting are celebrated and understood.

Managing Daily Stress: Parenting is a balancing act, and practical tips and coping strategies are exchanged between members of our Parent Support Groups
By fostering connections within our parent community, Chicago Commons aims to empower parents in navigating the complexities of raising children. Together, we are creating a supportive environment where families can thrive, share, and grow, reinforcing the idea that no family is alone on their journey.

If you have any questions, please contact Family Hub’s Financial Coach, Jennifer Jimenez at